Thorley Hill Primary School

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Extra-Curricular Activities 

Promoting Skills beyond the Classroom 


At Thorley Hill Primary school we believe that all children should have access to a wide range of activities beyond the academic.  We work hard to ensure that we offer a variety of extra-curricular activities that pupils can engage in.  We ensure that there is a mixture for all age groups so that everyone has opportunities to learn new skills. 

We are proud that as a one form entry school, we currently offer over 20 weekly extra curricular activities a week.  Please click on the link below to see the current offer for the term we are in. 


 Summer 2023

 Spring 2023

 Autumn 2022

 Spring 2022

Music Lessons from Hertfordshire 

Peripatetic music lessons are offered to our children through the Hertfordshire Music Service.   There is a cost to this service. 

We currently have music teachers coming to the school who offer piano, guitar, drums, flute and the clarinet.  Information for this can be found by on the Hertfordshire Music service by clicking this link. 

I Rock Drum and Band Sessions

I Rock are an organisation who also provide musical opportunities for our children.  They use a range of different instruments.  There is also a cost to this service. 

Please contact the school office for more information.